
Monday, June 27, 2011

More DCC Spells

I whipped up a few more spells today. They are not very exciting and are pretty much straight conversions from the d20pfsrd, but at least you now have a few more level 2 and 3 spells if you need them.

Spells added:

  • Burning Hands (wizard 1)
  • Phandaal's Mantle of Stealth a.k.a. Invisibility (wizard 2)
  • Fireball (wizard 3) Note that I did this before noticing that Marv posted up the "official draft" version of Fireball in this thread.
  • Flame of the Forge (cleric 2)
  • Prayer (cleric 3)
  • Speak with Dead (cleric 3)

I know I have a lot of fire spells, but I have a 5th level cleric of Sarenrae with fire domain in my game, so he has lots of fire spells that I need to convert.

So, if you are interested in any of these spells, just click the "DCC RPG Resources" link at the top of the page.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Another DCC RPG Character Sheet

Here is the character sheet I whipped up for the DCC-ification of our Pathfinder game (you can read more about this experiment here).

It is nothing fancy, and you should find it perfectly suitable for straight by-the-book DCC as well. The only thing worth noting is that there are separate spaces to write in race and class.

As with all my DCC stuff, you can also find it on my DCC RPG Resources Page.

Ol' Mucky Terrahawk

Last week I started playing in a Thursday night AD&D game at Lake Geneva Games. I was lucky enough to qualify for a monk, so that's what I went with. I went the entire session without choosing a name, because as we all know, names can be hard. So in my search for a name, I came across this Wu-Tang Clan name generator. From here forth, my monk shall be known as Ol' Mucky Terrahawk (unless of course I come across a cooler one before I play again).

Check it out. A lot of the subsequent names I got weren't really suitable, such as Eight-Legged DJ, or Tha Lonely Donkey Kong, but hopefully luck will be on your side!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Yo, I found this snake....

Anyone know what kind it is? I've never seen anything other than a garter snake around these parts. This guy was just hanging out right outside my back door.

Click for the big version.
This little guy is slightly skinnier than my pinky, but I didn't want to hold it up to it, lest the snake turn around and bite the shit out of me.

I just went and got it because it was cool-looking, thinking there were no such things as poisonous snakes around here, but it turns out there are a few.

If anyone can identify this thing, or needs more info, that would be awesome. This is in northern Illinois by the way...

Pregenerated Level 3 Characters for DCC RPG

I've completed the package of the level 3 pregens I made for me Free RPG Day playtest. Both PDF and Excel 2010 versions are included, for your editing pleasure. There are a couple goofy things, like thief skills are just a target number on a d20 rather than a %-based skill. Clerics only have 3 level 2 spells (You'll have to make your own if you want a fourth).

Hopefully this will eliminate some of the busy-work of getting a playtest going that is higher than level 0.

You can download the file HERE

P.S. - This can also be downloaded from my DCC Resources Page. Check it out if you haven't already!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Free RPG Day: Pod-Caverns Under DCC RPG Rules

Just got home from Lake Geneva Games where I ran a slightly truncated version of Matt Finch's Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom (great module by the way!) using the DCC RPG Beta rules. It was pretty much awesome, but I'll try to keep this short and sweet (and fail miserably at that as usual). Here are some points about the game, in no particular order.

  • The adventure states it's for 6-8 OSRIC (AD&D) characters of 2nd to 4th level. We ended up with 6 players, each running a 3rd level DCC character.
  • I generated the characters beforehand, doing everything mostly by the book. To get ability scores, I rolled several series of four sets using 3d6 in order, choosing the best set from each series. This was to replicate the filtering that would have happened at level 0. (I'll post up a downloadable package of all my pregens as soon as I get a chance)
  • The PCs started with a single healing potion (one for the whole group, not one each), a magical tent that would allow them to rest once or twice inside the dungeon, and no other magic items.
  • I ran the module almost exactly as written, with no changes to monsters aside from converting their AC to ascending and giving them an attack bonus equal to their HD, which was all easily done on the fly.
  • I didn't use a screen, and made all rolls in the open. If a player wanted to see my notes or maps, they probably could have easily done so, but it wasn't an issue. I spent about 2/3 of the time sitting and 1/3 on my feet. I really enjoyed running the game this way, and will probably do it this way from now on, unless some player takes advantage of it and sours me on the method.
  • I followed Harley's tips as he outlined in this thread. This really helped the flow of the game. It also helped that I got to play in a game run by him, so I was able to learn a lot from that. Harley is an excellent DM, and if you ever get the opportunity to play in a game run by him, I suggest doing so. I did forget to have players roll the damage they took a few times, but no biggie.
  • Another thing I did that was very important to the flow was this: When a caster is up, have them make their spell check and then go to the next character's turn while they look up the result. Then go back and let them roll their damage or whatever. This was very effective, as it kept the spell lookups in the hands of the player, but eliminated the issue of everyone else sitting at the table staring at them.
  • I used my ref sheets to great effect. They were extremely handy and helped keep things moving. I referenced them on average 2 or 3 times per round, so it made a big difference.
  • Funky Dice! I think everyone enjoyed using them. I purchased and brought 3 sets with me, but three of the players already had their own sets! They were the topic of discussion quite a bit as well. I don't care what anyone says, Mr. Goodman made a good move by having DCC use these dice. I think a set was sold that day as well.
  • We had a 10-yr-old (my little cousin) playing a warrior to great effect. I didn't even tell him what Mighty Deeds of Arms were, he just did his thing. He often used stuff from his backpack, like a crowbar or chain rather than his weapon, and was doing all sorts of crazy stuff. The MDoA tables were a great way for me to adjudicate the results of his crazy stunts. Big thumbs up to MDoAs, and big thumbs up to giving the imaginative kids the warrior!
  • Deaths. There were none. At least not any permanent ones. There were several times where people were knocked to zero, but without fail they were healed back to life by the cleric within the requisite 3 rounds. At the very end, I could have possibly had a TPK against the shroom, but a lucky save turned the tide in the PCs favor, and a high spell check blew the boss to bits. Victory belonged to the PCs.
  • I think the adventure would have been a lot harder if the players weren't so good at spellburning and burning luck at the appropriate times. They used this mechanic to great effect.
Here were a few of the awesome moments from the game:
  • The chaotic wizard had an awesome mercurial result with his scorching ray spell, allowing him to roll a d30 instead of a d20 for spell checks using this spell. Of course, on his first roll, he rolled a 1, and earned himself some elephant ears. Even still, he kept using this spell almost exclusively (who wouldn't!), and it basically smoked the shit out of a lot of encounters.
  • When they got to the phosphorescent pool, they promptly filled their waterskins with it, poured it all over themselves, rubbed in on their gums, drank it and peed it out later - you name it. I'm guessing many groups would have avoided this pool like the plague. Basically this is a good example of how I had a great group for enjoying this game and trying silly things.
  • At one point a stirge inserted his proboscis (a body part I had to repeatedly ask one of the players what it was called) into the warrior's eye. Another stirge had his proboscis in the wizard's knee, and was sucking the marrow out of his bone.
  • The dwarf's "smell gold" ability led them up the ledge to a fun encounter they would have probably otherwise skipped. This ability is awesome for leading PCs to those cool areas or treasures that they have a tendency to miss.
  • The thief did a good job with negotiating a backstab attempt with me just about every single round. Lots of failed thief skill attempts, but a few were made when it really counted. I was afraid the thief would be totally lame, but he was run by a good player, so he was pretty effective. However, I'd still like to see something more flashy given to the thief. Something that gives him another viable combat option besides backstab.
  • The lawful wizard failed a magic missile attempt and earned himself a pustule-covered face and a permanent -1 Personality score.
  • The "stuff you do to spellburn" table was a source of great amusement. We had a wizard brand himself with an image of a tadpole, rip out one of his fingernails and burn it, and the other wizard offered up his firstborn son to an unnamed demi-god. Good stuff, and I look forward to fan versions of this table.
  • Probably close to a dozen crits in the session. They were a good source of entertainment for us all.
  • Found magic arrow that happened to be black was named Rick James by our 10-year-old warrior, and there were many times it was fired to the tune of "I'm Rick James _____" (The one drawback to playing in public - not nearly enough swearing. This games goes well with lots of colorful language at the table.)
  • The last fight could have gone very badly for the group, as I had the chaotic wizard charmed under my complete control, with 3 of the PCs on the floor already. If I would have taken a moment to think about it, I could have probably killed the cleric with the wizard, but I was caught in the moment and tried to have the wizard blow his own head off with a scorching ray, which afforded him another save - a difficult one - but one he was able to make with some smart luck burning. He immediately roasted the boss after that.
Other observations about the game:
  • Luck burning and Spellburn played much differently than I anticipated when reading about them. I would have expected them to barely be used, but it seemed the casters were using these roughly every other turn. They were obviously metagaming the fact that this was a one shot. I am curious to see how players manage these resources in campaign play. In future one-shots, I will likely amp up the difficulty of the adventure and make this use an expected tactic, or I will place limits on the use of these abilities. They were just playing within the rules, but something about it didn't feel right, and it had the stink of munchkin-style gaming. 
  • Taking the above into account, I think there should be some advice in the rules for one-shot beer and pretzels style play versus campaign play. I think the general impression of the game is that it is primarily for one-shot convention play, and that it is overall an unserious, gonzo game. However, it seems the luck and spellburn stuff is more geared for campaign play. I still have high hopes for the game as being a viable system for campaign play, but I would be welcoming of some advice about how to do it. If it just intended for beer and pretzels fun, that's cool too, but let's just come out and say that explicitly if that is the case.
  • I know it's already been addressed and is going to be fixed in the final release, but we got some further confirmation in the game today that the multiple chained "as above" statements in the spell tables are cumbersome.
  • Taking this module as an example, 1E content seems to work great for this game. If the PCs have any magic items, my best guess would be that a DCC group could tackle content 1 or 2 levels higher than their AD&D counterpart PCs.
In summation, this was a great session. I am lucky in that a had an awesome group of players, and this system is simply built for action-packed adventures. This was my first public game I've ever run, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was a very rewarding experience.

Please post any questions you have about the session or the game itself. I'd be happy to answer!

Hvaen't played DCC yet? Get off your ass and get to it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Few DCC Spells

I've made my first attempt at converting a few Pathfinder/SRD spells to DCC as a part of my efforts to convert my home campaign to DCC rules (or at least some sort of Pathfinder/DCC Frankenstein game).

You can take a look at them here:

Entangle - Level 1 Wizard Spell
Mirror Image - Level 2 Wizard Spell
Scorching Ray - Level 2 Wizard Spell

Entangle is technically a druid spell, but a gnome sorcerer with the fey bloodline has it in our game. I kind of de-naturified it (see the manifestations), so it could be perfectly suitable for pretty much any type of caster. A funny thing - I always thought this spell was only usable outdoors, but I see no mention of such a limitation in the PF rules. It's obviously going to be strongest outdoors, given it's large area of effect, but I decided not to impose any sort of outdoors-only limitation on it.

Mirror Image is not super-exciting in the Pathfinder game, but it's terribly effective at keeping casters alive. Nothing fancy in my implementation here, but I think I gave it some pretty cool manifestations and a nice capstone effect.

Scorching Ray was pretty much ripped straight from the GaryCon playtest scan over on Jeff's Gameblog. I just changed it a bit, since I was thinking getting a cone when you are expecting a ray could be bad business. However, now, as I am typing this, it just occurred to me that perhaps that was the intent of the design. "Oh look, you got a really good spell check, you just fried your friends!"

Also, note the slight difference in presentation. I tried to put all the basic information about the spell in the general description, and include only the variable stuff in the table. Goodman has already stated that they are going to move toward this style of presentation, in order to avoid having to read several chained entries that say, "As above, plus this other stuff, too."

None of these spells have been playtested yet, but if you use them, please let me know how they work out for you. Also, if you find anything that looks glaringly stupid, I'd like to know that as well.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Sexy 0-level Character Generator for DCC

Jon Marr has created a very elegant DCC RPG 0-level character generator, that creates a single-page PDF with four 0-level characters on it.

Not only is it functional, the output looks very good (although I think alignment is misspelled).

Check it out HERE!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

DCC RPG Reference Sheets

I whipped up a quick little document to use in play, that I think has all the stuff that would come up that might benefit from a quick reference sheet. The document is meant to be printed as a digest-sized booklet using Adobe Reader's booklet printing function. There are no bells and whistles, no art, just a plain document with the tables that is designed to be easy on your printer.

Download Link: DCC RPG Ref Sheets

Check it out, and let me know how it goes if you use it. Also, let me know if you find any errors, or would like something added that you think is likely to come up frequently in play.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Blowed Up My Campaign!

Warning: Death Frost Doom spoilers in this post! You have been warned!

The group finished Death Frost Doom this past Saturday. It ended up being a much longer session than I had planned, and the players were throwing me curve balls all night. All in all it was a lot of fun. Here are some of the highlights, which include some events from the previous session as well:
  • Zeke - "NONONONONO you're all doomed!" The barbarian walked over a mile with Zeke screaming on his back, but made no move to harm him.
  • They completely destroyed the bleeding tree once they found out it bled. They spent a great deal of time trying to figure out it's secret. They blessed it, they were playing with the blood, you name it!
  • They tried sleeping in the cabin, which didn't go so well.
  • They brought the book filled with the names of the cult's victims back to the village priest, the barbarian carefully holding it out in front of him the whole walk back to town, only to have the priest drop it and fuck it all up.
  • The PCs plugged their ears upon hearing the eerie noises about the place.
  • The cleric set the clock ahead from 2:14PM to midnight, causing himself to disappear into oblivion for 8 hours of game time. This was cause for much confusion for the players, and was a huge real-life time-killer!
  • Everyone was cheerfully snorting purple lotus powder once they found it. The barbarian got comprehend languages and proceeded to read every single cursed phrase he came across aloud, causing all sorts of terrible shit, including one player killing himself with his sword, and the barbarian himself jumping into the bottomless pit with the cleric-polymorphed-into-a-rat on his shoulder! I pretty much had to bring them back by DM fiat, giving the vampire access to a wish spell which brought them back from falling - a condition of the bargain that got the players freed from the shrine.
  • The sorcerer got a permanent +1 INT from the powder.
  • My little cousin (13 yrs old) rolled on the purple lotus table and his character became "Violently Nymphomaniacal" for one hour in-game. He was really at a loss as to what to do with that one, and indeed was likely a bit embarrassed by the whole thing!
  • The thief fell asleep for 20 hours from the powder, and one of the other players wiped poop on his ninja mask while he was sleeping (and his player was away from the table, which made it extra funny).
  • After being asleep for a long time in-game, the aforementioned player asked, "What is this stuff again?", to which his brother responded matter-of-factly, "It's D&D cocaine."
  • The cleric picked up the cursed dagger & necklace, and never made an attack until after he also got a super-powerful magic sword, which led him to believe the sword was cursed. He was almost ready to discard the valuable weapon, until I basically intervened!
  • The painting - they kept showing it to people, didn't try to sell it. The barbarian autographed it. They took it out and examined it about 6 or 7 times throughout the adventure, which I found somewhat amusing.
  • Once they figured out how to open the tooth door, my sister knocked a tooth out of her goblin character's mouth using a dagger and a crowbar without batting an eye. Everyone else at the table was staring at her in shock.
  • They skipped every single crypt door, and really had no idea that the place was filled with dead people until well after meeting the vampire.
  • They also missed the manual with the instructions on creating a flesh golem, and a few other goodies I thought they would have enjoyed.
  • After the first player flipped a coin in the fountain and got a +1 CON, the rest of the party flipped 7 more coins in and collectively got seven permanent minuses before finally stopping putting coins in. The first player sat there with a huge grin on his face the whole time.
  • The barbarian also got 3 questions that he could ask of the Gods as a purple lotus effect. Holy shit, I was not prepared for having to answer those questions! I pretty much had to take a cigarette break to carefully craft my answer each time he asked one.
  • The players AGONIZED over what to do for a few hours! They tried EVERYTHING to avoid having to make a deal with the vampire guy. This was extremely fun to watch (they tried crawling up the chimney, only to be attacked by the ghouls outdoors, etc), but at the same time, it felt wrong. It was like watching a car accident or something, I really can't describe it.
  • Much to my surprise, two of the characters suicided themselves, charging into a horde of ghouls against hopeless odds rather than making the deal with the vampire. Two sessions prior, these same players mutilated some tribal barbarians who were hunting them for what they knew to be a misunderstanding. They kept one alive and made him watch while they ate his comrades in front of him, in order to get information from him. I will never understand player psychology.
Basically, this module played out far differently than I ever could have imagined. When it was all over, I actually felt physically sick about the whole thing, and felt like I had seriously harmed my players. These are characters that they have been playing for 8 months, and they were well established in the town upon which the legions of dead will be descending. The faces around the table wore looks of shock, horror, and in some cases, just plain saltiness.

Running it was a good experience though. I learned that I am basically a big softy, and it troubles me to a degree to inflict too much hardship upon my players and their characters. I also learned that I am hypersensitive to their facial expressions and body language. It is something I always try to pay attention to, as I look for clues to play off of in the game, but I can also misinterpret or put too much stock in these cues and their significance.

For example, I was pretty certain at the end of the session that they were all pissed at me and wanted to beat me up for doing that to them. However, a few days removed, there is more chatter than ever about what they are going to do next. There is a STRONG desire for them to undo what they did, and while the whole thing was very drastic and gut-wrenching, I think it has greatly increased the players' investment in the campaign.

Summary: Death Frost Doom is basically the most powerful module I've ever played or ran. It was awesome, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I could ever do it again. I felt like I was playing some dirty trick on them, which sounded fun on paper, and it was fun, but there was an unexpected feeling of guilt that went along with it. There were technically 5 deaths, in a group of five level 4 Pathfinder characters. I ended up "undoing" a few of those by DM fiat because they were so anticlimactic. If you feel bad about killing PCs (I often do) this is not the module for you! On the other hand, this module is so unique, that I have to recommend everyone participates in it at some point in their gaming career, whether as a player or GM.

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    DCC RPG Public Beta to be Released Wednesday

    The public beta of the Dugeon Crawl Classics RPG by Goodman Games will be available for download on Wednesday, June 8th. Mark your calendars, and bookmark the page!

    I've been lucky enough to have played in a playtest game, and have seen a draft version of the rules, and it's a game I'm very excited about. It's been difficult not to talk about it, especially when I see the criticisms floating about that are based purely on speculation. In my opinion, the game has a very OD&D feel to it, and a number of fresh new mechanics that give it that new car smell. It looks to be very modular, so even if you don't plan to use the entire system, it's definitely worth checking out anyways.

    I will be running an adaptation of Matt Finch's Pod Caverns of the Sinister Shroom using the DCC RPG rules for Free RPG Day at Lake Geneva Games. If any of you are in the area, feel free to contact Jason at the store and reserve yourself a spot. Here is the flyer for that game, which includes all the necessary contact information.

    Friday, June 3, 2011

    The Obsession

    pic semi-related

    So now it's been about 13 months since I started getting back into RPGs. When I started, I had nothing. I was just looking at my shelf and was kind of shocked at how much stuff I've accumulated over that short amount of time. So I figured I'd list it all out so I could look at it next time I get the urge to buy something, and ask myself whether or not I really need it.

    D&D 4E (I've since sold all these back to FLGS for store credit)
    • Player's Handbook
    • Dungeon Master Guide
    • Monster Manual
    • Player's Handbook (yes, a second copy)
    • Player's Handbook 2
    • Player's Handbook 3
    Pathfinder / Paizo

    Core Books
    • Core Rulebook
    • Bestiary
    • Bestiary 2
    • GameMastery Guide
    Chronicles / Campaign Setting
    • Inner Sea World Guide Hardcover
    • Guide to Darkmoon Vale
    • Seekers of Secrets - A Guide to the Pathfinder Society
    • City of Strangers
    • Book of the Damned Vol. I
    • Book of the Damned Vol. II
    • Rival Guide
    Player Companion (Subscriber)
    • Adventurer's Armory
    • Gnomes of Golarion
    • Dwarves of Golarion
    • Halflings of Golarion
    • Orcs of Golarion
    • Faiths of Purity
    • Inner Sea Primer
    • Cheliax, Empire of Devils
    • Sargava, the Lost Colony
    Adventure Path (Subscriber)
    • Rise of the Runelords - part 2
    • Council of Thieves - parts 3 through 6
    • Serpent's Skull - parts 1 through 6
    • Carrion Crown - parts 1 through 4
    Modules (Subscriber)
    • Carrion Hill
    • Curse of the Riven Sky
    • Master of the Fallen Fortress (from Free RPG Day 2010)
    • Cult of the Ebon Destroyers
    • The Godsmouth Heresy
    • Tomb of the Iron Medusa
    • The Haunted Forest
    GameMastery Stuff
    • About 8 or so FlipMats
    • Council of Thieves Item Deck
    • Rise of the Runelords Item Deck
    • Condition Cards
    • Harrow Deck
    Pathfinder Tales (Subscriber)
    • All of them
    Planet Stories (Subscriber)
    • Sojan the Swordsman / Under the Warrior Star
    • Battle in the Dawn: The Complete Hok the Mighty
    • Hunt the Space Witch!
    HeroLab Character Creation Software w/ Bestiary Expansion

    Miniatures (all this and I've only painted like 5 minis since Christmas)
    • About 500 or 600 plastic D&D Minis
    • About 2 dozen reaper minis
    • Reaper Master Series paint starter set (50-some-odd bottles)
    • Several Kolinsky brushes of various sizes from 2 to 10/0, plus many crap brushes for mixing, etc.
    • Flow improver, drying retarder, all that stuff
    • White P3 primer, a few cans of testor's dullcote, glues of various sorts, green stuff
    • pinning set, sculpting tools, jeweler's files, steel wool, etc.
    • several different types of bases
    Older D&D Stuff
    • Holmes Basic (book only)
    • Moldvay Basic (book only)
    • Cook/Marsh Expert (book only)
    • Rules Cyclopedia (signed by Frank Mentzer at GaryCon III!)
    • AD&D Player's Handbook (2nd cover)
    • AD&D Dungeon Master Guide (original cover)
    • AD&D Monster Manual II
    • AD&D Deities & Demigods (non-Cthulhu version, signed by Jim Ward at GaryCon III!)
    • AD&D Unearthed Arcana
    • AD&D 2nd Edition DMG
    • D&D 3.0 Monster Manual
    • 3E Ghostwalk supplement
    • 3E Serpent Kingdoms supplement
    • 3E Basic Game box set (bought it for the minis)
    • Metamorphosis Alpha 4th edition (for the soon-to-be-starting game with Jim Ward!)
     OSR Stuff (print versions)
    • OSRIC Hardcover (Black Blade/Usherwood, beautiful book!)
    • Lamentations of the Flame Princess Grindhouse Box Set
    • Vornheim Hardcover
    • Swords & Wizardry Complete (flawed hardcover, it's a piece of shit, but the content is great)
    • Swords & Wizardry White Box BHP Boxed Set (3rd printing)
    • The Dungeon Alphabet (this one gets good use)
    • Stonehell Dungeon
    • B/X Companion (not a big fan of this one)
    • Pod Caverns of the Sinister Shroom
    • Skull Mountain
    • Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent
    • 2 different versions of OD&D single-volume, fan-made books
    Self-Printed and Bound PDFs
    • Labyrinth Lord (purchased PDF, spiral-bound)
    • Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion (purchased PDF, spiral-bound)
    • Labyrinth Lord Original Edition Characters (purchased PDF, saddle-stitched digest)
    • Realms of Crawling Chaos (purchased PDF, saddle-stiched digest)
    • 4x Labyrinth Lord player books (first 60 pages, 3x spiral-bound, 1x saddle-stitched digest)
    • Mutant Future (purchased PDF, spiral-bound)
    • 3x S&W Complete player books (first 74 pages, spiral-bound)
    • Swords & Wizardry Core, 3rd printing (spiral-bound)
    • Swords & Wizardry White Box (Purchased the BHP Printable digest-size booklets PDF, printed a few copies of the first 2 books for friends and a complete set for myself)
    • LotFP Grindhouse Rules & Magic (8.5x11 spiral-bound, got anxious waiting for the shipment from Finland)
    • Hammers of the God (purchased PDF, saddle-stitched digest)
    • The Grinding Gear (saddle-stitched digest)
    • Tower of the Stargazer (saddle-stitched digest)
    • Basic Fantasy RPG and selected supplements (spiral-bound)
    • Holmes Level 12 (spiral-bound)
    • AD&D3 by Chris Perkins (spiral-bound)
    • OD&D LBBs, Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry (saddle-stitched digest)
    • Supplement V: Carcosa (saddle-stitched digest)
    • Barbarians of Lemuria (spiral-bound)
    • TSR Adventure Compilation: B1, B4, X2 and I1 (spiral-bound)
    • Old-School Encounters netbook by Kellri (spiral-bound)
    • Old-School Spells Reference netbook by Kellri (spiral-bound)
    • People of Pembrooktonshire & No Dignity in Death (spiral-bound)
    • B2 (tossed in binder)
    • Death Frost Doom (tossed in binder)
    • Knowledge Illuminates (tossed in a binder)
    • That Last Priest of Sebek adventure Matt Finch was giving away in exchange for Japan relief donations (tossed in a binder)
    • -C's Psionics book (saddle-stitched digest)
    • A ton of Dyson Logos' stuff printed in various forms
    • Al's Monsterless Manual (saddle-stitched digest)
    • 3x Encounter Critical (saddle-stitched digest)
    • Draft version of a not-to-be-named RPG that is fucking awesome (spiral-bound)
    Dice and Accessories
    • Pound of Chessex Dice
    • Pound of GameScience precision dice, uninked (what a pain in the ass!)
    • 12-die zocchi set (again uninked. note to self: buy inked dice for the sake of your sanity)
    • Chessex erasable battlemat
    • Dixon Ticonderoga #2 HB pencils (nothing but the best!)
    • Various wet and dry erase markers
    • Many binders packed with stuff
    • 3-hole punch
    • Long-reach stapler (best investment ever, $11 from amazon)
    • Several dozen works of fiction, mostly Appendix N-type stuff
    • Tons of notebooks, sketch pads, graph paper, god-knows-what-else
    Digital Collection
    • My RPG folder on my server (yes, I run a file server in the basement) clocks in at 109GB of space occupied by RPG PDFs of all sorts.

    So yeah, basically, I have way more stuff than I could ever possibly use, and I find myself continually shopping around for more. I'm sure there's more stuff than even listed here because I am just typing this off the top of my head.

    So, my question is, are we all like this, or should I be seeking professional help? At least when I played World of Warcraft, it was only $15/month!

    Alright, gotta go look for more stuff to buy!

    Wednesday, June 1, 2011

    DCC RPG Character Sheet

    In anxious anticipation of the new Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG by Goodman Games, I've created a basic character sheet for the game, using the sheets from GaryCon playtest games as a model, with only a few minor changes.

    There is a regular PDF version HERE
    And a fillable-but-not-in-a-fancy-way Excel 2010 version HERE

    Note that for the excel version to display properly, you will need to have the following fonts installed:

    • Duvall (get it at
    • Cooper Black (was on my machine by default)
    • Tw Cen MT (was on my machine by default)
    P.S. - Note that it appears somewhat flawed on screen, but it seems to print out nicely.