
Monday, August 13, 2012

Outland's Quarterly Campaign Newsletter

So last week, Alan Grohe pointed us odd74 readers to this dude's blog. I loved the idea of the campaign newsletter thing, so I immediately started working on one.

I have multiple groups, and I believe the sharing of information to be a good thing - conducive to meaningful choices regarding adventures the groups choose to undertake. However, I always have a lot on my mind at the beginning of a session, people have questions that need answering, I need to get my stuff situated and so forth, so it's very easy to forget to share information regarding recent events in the setting.

Further, I loathe writing session reports, and I have yet to encounter much in the way of players that are interested in writing them.

I figured a short, infrequent newsletter would allow me to share a snapshot of happenings in the campaign with the players, and wouldn't be too tedious an undertaking for me.

Here is my first stab at it:
Xusael's Unblinking Eye: Issue 1


  1. Love the newsletter! Great campaign info for the players, and the tone is spot on. I only had one concern: does the Outland have a calendar? "the Thirtieth Day of the Seventh Month" just seems too formal, and if you don't want to come up with names for the months, using the real-world calendar isn't a bad option.

  2. This is awesome! Thanks for putting this together!

  3. That's brilliant. I've gotten a bit jaded with writing session reports, yet still want to keep a meaningful record of what occurs and I think you've solved that problem for me. Cheers!

  4. That looks great! I've been running into the problem of players forgetting what's going on in the campaign,especially since I only run ever other week.i need to see if I can do the same thing.


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