
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cover Files for B/X D&D

If you bought the Basic and Expert rulebooks from, and want to get them printed up as a single book on lulu, you'll need to upload both PDFs, and then upload a cover file. Here's one I've made that you can use if you don't feel like making your own.

Note: This is not the file. Click the links below.
Note that these are made to fit over a 138-page interior, so you have 10 extra pages you can use to add house rules, custom indexes, or whatever. It should work fine if you use nothing but the two rulebook PDFs (128 pages), but I haven't tested that, so if it complains, just add a PDF of 10 blank pages to the end.

B/X Lulu Cover (Perfectbound)

B/X Lulu Cover (Hard Cover)

Note that you might see weird artifacts if you view it in google's preview thingy. Those don't show in adobe reader, and they also look fine printed.

Enjoy! If you make your own neat covers, I'd love to see them.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Skullfuck Mountain Wizard Magic

For Skullfuck Mountain (hereafter SFMTN), I'm using the Dying Earth Spells for D&D supplement. A magic-user's beginning spells are determined by rolling for them per the guidelines in the document:

So basically they begin play with read magic (which is the only 0-level spell in the supplement) plus three randomly determined 1st-level spells.

The magic-user has access to all spells known, but is limited in spells castable per adventure by the charts in the Holmes rulebook (and I guess for beyond level 3, I'll just use the charts for the wizard from the d20 SRD, since Men & Magic already has a discrepancy at 3rd level, and that bothers my OCD side).

Interesting that I'm using Dying Earth spells and not requiring memorization, isn't it? Do you see the irony? DO YOU!?!?!

So now the question becomes "How does the wizard advance the number of spells he knows?" Well, I figure all additional spells will be gained by learning them from scrolls or spellbooks found while adventuring. I've put together a pretty basic procedure for attempting to add a found spell to the collection of spells known. It is loosely built around Holmes' scroll creation rules, but I figure the time component will just always be one week. We generally assume one week of time passes between dungeon expeditions, so the magic-user will get one roll between each session of play. They can opt to wait additional weeks if they want, I guess, which reminds me, I need to make an events chart of stuff that happens in the dungeon and surrounding areas to make downtime matter. One event per week seems like too much, so maybe a 1 in 4 chance of an event each week, which would make things roughly monthly. Anyways, I digress. Here is the procedure for learning new spells:

Showing my true nerd colors with this flowchart
As far as limiting spells known, Holmes already has a chart for that, and if I find that too restrictive I could just use INT score as the maximum spells per level a magic-user may know.

Another thing I'm thinking about, but haven't quite figured out yet, is corruption. After playing DCC, I don't know if I could ever play without corrupting magic again. Just an idea off the top of my head that will require further thought:

X in 30 chance of corruption per casting, where X is the spell level.
Spell levels 1-2 = Minor corruption
Spell levels 3-4 = Major corruption
Spell levels 5-6 = Greater corruption

Then there's the cleric. Not sure what to do about clerics yet, but we currently don't have any, so I don't think I'll bother spending much brain bandwidth on that until we actually get one.

Skullfuck Mountain Rumors

Assuming the PCs made it back to town at the end of their previous adventure (and woe to them if they didn't!) each PC may attempt to gain a rumor concerning the dungeon at the beginning of a session by making a charisma check. The veracity of any of these claims is questionable, of course.

  1. There are hidden entrances to The Underworld scattered about the mountainside and environs.
  2. The Underworld is sentient, and despises uncertainty in those who enter. (Specifically, the phrase "I don't know.")
  3. When a corpse is abandoned in The Underworld, it can sometimes be found again, but with the skull missing. The skin of the head will be completely intact. How the skull is extracted is a mystery.
  4. Compasses are unreliable in The Underworld.
  5. Salt can be used to repel the unliving.
  6. All water found in The Underworld is either poisonous or magical.
  7. Blasphemous writings read aloud may be detrimental to your health.
  8. Burning sage will keep a cleared room free of new monsters for at least one year.
  9. Goblins' feet are the most sensitive parts of their body, much like a man's testicles.
  10. Iselda, the witch of the lake, is known to make deals with those desperate for a cure of some sort. Her price is always high, but it is never money.
  11. The League of Ordinary Gentlemen is secretly run by a mad hermit that lives in the woods on the NW side of the lake.
  12. Drunk Willy claims that he saw a periscope peeping up from the well one night last week. He swears it was a goblin, but no one believes him.
  13. Funzie Girt (of Funzie Girt's Gear Garage) is a failed blacksmith.
  14. Many denizens of The Underworld recoil from bright light.
  15. A ghoul-bear is said to haunt the swamplands on the east side of the lake, but no man has seen it and lived to tell.
  16. An ancient wyrm resides in one of the deepest parts of Skullfuck Mountain. She hasn't been sighted in over 100 years, nor will anyone utter her name for fear of waking her. Some say her lair can be reached through the volcanic crater atop the mountain.
  17. There are portals to other worlds within Skullfuck Mountain. Some say the original tunnels were built by alien beings.
  18. Those that go deep enough into Skullfuck Mountain will find themselves in Hell.
  19. Any who dare to sleep within the depths of Skullfuck Mountain will find themselves in a Dreamlands version of The Underworld, which is far more strange and horrible than the waking version.
  20. Somewhere within the eye-caves are a matched pair of gem-encrusted phallus-statues; one ruby and one emerald. Lady Sluthers (of Lady Sluthers' Home for Wayward Girls fame) is extremely covetous of these fabled items, and would give much in exchange for ownership of them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Holmes Monsters Illustrated: Berserkers

Doug Kovacs - DCC #70

My personal image of berserkers will be forever be influenced by the ones +Evan Elkins killed one of my characters with in his Nightwick Abbey. I was one-shotted by one of these guys. They were wearing human skin skullcaps, and I think their "leather" armor was made of human skin as well. I learned that just because you're on level 1, charging in like a dummy is still charging in like a dummy.

Basically, berserkers are men who have been supernaturally corrupted by hanging out in the underworld way too long. They have become bloodthirsty leatherface-type guys who cannot speak or do much of anything except kill. Bright light, such as a torch or lantern held to the face, will usually stun them for a round if they can't make a save against stoning.

  1. Eating a person
  2. Drinking blood from a skull
  3. Sewing some armor/clothes from human skin
  4. Sharpening bones into various stabbing implements
  5. Mutilating themselves
  6. Carving profane slogans into each others' backs and high-fiving each other
  7. Smoking PCP and playing Grand Theft Auto
  8. Having naked wrestling matches with a random dungeon monster from level 3.
  1. Miscellaneous heavy metal concert t-shirts
  2. Naked, but body completely painted in blood; human skin masks
  3. Daisy Dukes, mesh trucker caps and wife beaters
  4. Jeans and jean jackets (i.e. "Canadian Tuxedo")
  5. S&M leathers
  6. GWAR gear
  1. lead pipes
  2. spiked chains
  3. clubs, coated in resin and rolled in broken glass
  4. nothing. will charge and tackle opponents, headbutt, claw at eyes, bite faces, etc.
  5. iron spikes
  6. rusty glaives
Roll two exploding damage dice (d8s)

  1. 1d12 black metal coins of questionable worth
  2. 2d20 teeth of various sorts (1 in 6 chance of a gold one)
  3. eyepatch
  4. 10' rope made of human hair
  5. lump of soul coal
  6. bits of metal suitable for body piercing (if santized)
  7. a half-rotted eyeball
  8. a pair of testacles
  9. butterfly knife
  10. spell scroll. 80% chance it has been used as toilet paper.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Holmes Monsters Illustrated: Basilisk

This thing seems pretty nondescript. None of that stuff about six legs and what have you. It's nice that we have both a bite and a gaze to utilize here, since normally what happens in my experience is that it's figured out (six legs is a big red flag), gazes are averted, and the monster is handily defeated.

Within The Underworld, there is large hall with neatly lined up statues around the circumference. Anyone making more than a cursory glance will notice that the poses are all peculiar, sort of like candid photographs, not like the stately or action-oriented poses one would normally expect. 1-3 large lumbering lizards tend to come investigate the sent of live meat, tongues flicking all about. (I interpret "rather small reptilian monster" to be in comparison to a dragon.)

When it's all said and done, any newly-minted statues will be neatly arranged near the outside walls by some unknown denizen(s) of the dungeon with a penchant for neatness and order.

Holmes Monsters Illustrated: Bandit

One of the neat things about Holmes Basic D&D is that it barely has any illustrations. We have nothing but the text to go on, so we get to exercise our imagination a bit (or perhaps our googling skills), and take some liberties.

As an exercise, I'm going to attempt to go through each Holmes monster entry, and find a picture or illustration to accompany it. I'll add some additional stream-of-consciousness notes wherever possible as well. It's really just a brainstorming exercise to help give my Skullfuck Mountain game a simplistic sort of depth, but hopefully you will find it entertaining as well.

So without further ado, I present you with our first specimen - the Bandit.

Bandits are usually encountered in smallish groups that work together to relieve passersby of any valuables they may be carrying. They are not true warriors, so they will generally only attack when they can stage an ambush and gain surprise.

These bandits you just encountered are (50% chance of each):

  • A ragtag group of 4-24 unskilled, out-of-work men who need to feed their families. They wear ill-fitting leathers and wield a variety of makeshift weapons (clubs, 2x4's, fireplace pokers, crowbars, brick-in-a-sock, segment of chain, modified pitchforks, and so forth). Their morale is generally low.
  • A smaller group of 2-12 sadists that just likes taking people's stuff for the sheer fun of it. Given the opportunity, they will seek to humiliate and possibly even torture their victims. These kind will generally be wearing studded leather armors and wielding decent-quality military weapons. The leader will usually have a whip and fine clothes from a previous victim.
In both cases, there is an 80% chance that one of the bandits will have a sixgun loaded with 3-6 bullets. This guy will attempt to stay hidden until the second round of combat, at which point he will emerge and begin firing (from behind cover if available) 2 shots per round, first at any wizards he can identify, and secondly at any fighter types.

Sixgun Mechanics
All shots are fired as if against leather armor.
The first shot fired always causes an immediate wandering monster check.
Hits on enemies 3 HD and up cause 1d6+1 damage.
For hits on enemies less than 3 HD, roll the hit location die (or just a regular d12) to determine effect.
  1. Right Arm: 1-3 damage, any held item dropped, arm disabled until magically healed or 1-6 weeks bed rest.
  2. Left Arm: 1-3 damage, any held item dropped, arm disabled until magically healed or 1-6 weeks bed rest.
  3. Right Hand: 1-2 damage, any held item dropped, hand disabled until magically healed or 1-3 weeks bed rest.
  4. Left Hand: 1-2 damage, any held item dropped, hand disabled until magically healed or 1-3 weeks bed rest.
  5. Head: Instantly killed
  6. Body: 1-4 damage. Disabled. Die in 1-20 rounds unless magically healed.
  7. Stomach: 1-4 damage. Only bare minimum of movement/actions possible. Any strenuous action taken, such as trying to attack an enemy, requires a save vs. death ray to avoid passing out from the pain. Die in 2-12 hours unless magically healed.
  8. Chest: 1-6 damage. Only bare minimum of movement/actions possible. Any strenuous action taken, such as trying to attack an enemy, requires a save vs. death ray to avoid passing out from the pain. Die in 3-18 rounds unless magically healed.
  9. Right Leg: 1-3 damage. Fall prone. 1/4 movement speed. Leg disabled until magically healed or 1-6 weeks bed rest.
  10. Left Leg: 1-3 damage. Fall prone. 1/4 movement speed. Leg disabled until magically healed or 1-6 weeks bed rest.
  11. Right Foot: 1-2 damage. Need assistance to walk. Foot disabled until magically healed or 1-3 weeks bed rest.
  12. Left Foot: 1-2 damage. Need assistance to walk. Foot disabled until magically healed or 1-3 weeks bed rest.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Welcome to Skullfuck Mountain!

In a far-off land there is a small lake. On the lake's south end, there is a small village that has a cozy inn, a few shops, and a well-regarded brothel. On the north end is a giant fucking skull-shaped mountain reputed to have monsters and treasures in it. What would you like to do?

Last Saturday my home D&D group of friends met up in my back porch to play. It had been over a month since we played, and I was hemming and hawing about whether we should continue our Gamma World game, or the DCC-based Demonland game we played last time we met. So I did what any good ADD-afflicted DM would do - I started a brand new game!

I've been drawing some modular maps in the style of Stonehell Dungeon, or the One-Page Dungeon if you prefer. The only difference is that I did mine 20x20 instead of 30x30, just as a matter of personal preference. I'd also been daydreaming about a Castle Greyskull/Gamma World-based megadungeon for a while, and the kicker was when I stumbled upon this old thread about the UK version of Holmes Basic. I found the artwork to be very inspiring, and it prompted me to break out my Holmes book and give it another gander. So I cobbled all these ideas together, keyed a few of the maps I made, and grabbed a few unused or lightly-used things from my regular Outland campaign that's been going strong for a while now. I linked everything together so I had levels for the eyes, nose, and mouth, and some extra stuff in case something crazy happened. The end result was maybe 10 sheets of notes and maps, roll up some ultra-shitty Holmes PCs, and off to adventure!

Phony alternate universe cover I made with FF art by Fangorn
It turned out to be quite a fun adventure. The dwarf fighter rolled 1 hp, so right away the thief kept trying to gank him and lost two characters trying. That fighter ended up being one of two survivors, and was able to make 2nd level after carousing. He then proceeded to roll an 8 for his next hit die. Pretty sweet if you ask me. That is the stuff of legend. There was judicious use of the mule for cover, and the super-deadly 2d8 Holmes firebombs. I typed up the house rules we used on the Smith Corona XE 6000 my mom dug up and gave to me after the game, and that was a fun exercise in itself. I really dig the finality of it all when using a typewriter (my correction ribbon is expired). The typewriter itself probably post-dates Holmes by 8 years or so, but who cares. Old and crappy is old and crappy, right? Anyways, I think this things has legs, so we'll be playing this again next time.*

PDF of the typewritten house rules, for those that might be interested.

P.S. - I finally got an excuse to use the magnificent Dying Earth Spells for D&D, so that's a big plus as well!

P.P.S. - This is totally ConstantCon/FLAILSNAILS-able, and I think these guys could use some competition.

* Unless I get struck by another bout of ADD

Monday, May 6, 2013

Alternative Combat System for D&D

If you're playing B/X or something similar, but perhaps you're a bit of a "roll player" (like me!), here's a quick little bolt-on system to bring some extra action into your combats. It is built on the basic principles of the DCC Mighty Deeds™ combat stunt system.

Step 1: Bump the thief up to a d6 hit die. Let's face it, he could use the boost.

Step 2: Use this for attack rolls:

1d16 + HD, i.e.

Fighter/Dwarf: 1d16+1d8
Cleric/Thief/Elf/Hobbit: 1d16+1d6
Magic-User: 1d16+1d4

For stunts, you have to declare them before rolling, get a 4+ on the hit die and a high enough total roll to score a hit. If you do not meet both conditions it's a miss. If you do meet both conditions, you can choose between scoring double damage (called shot), or scoring normal damage plus applying an effect, such as disarming, knocking down, pushing back, etc.

There's no advancement built in, so if you want the PCs to improve, you'll have to figure that out yourself. I figure a magic sword or whatever would allow you to replace the d16 with a d20 (more or less equivalent to a +2). I figure this is enough of an improvement over the regular system that we can just ditch the improvement over time. If you want to see the mathematical effect, check this graph.

For crits, you can do whatever, but I'd probably just do natural 16's for the sake of simplicity and giving a very minor bump to crit chances. Maybe even have fighters crit on 15-16 so they can be real murder machines.

If for some weird reason you don't already have several sets of zocchi dice, d16s can be bought individually.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Let's not talk about race

A few weeks back, I ran Austin Jimm's Contemptible Cube of Quazar, and I used these OD&D character generation rules, giving each player 10,000 XP to make as many or as few characters as they'd like, dividing the XP as desired. It ended in a glorious TPK, but that's not really the point of this post.

If you look carefully, you'll notice that race isn't referenced anywhere in the character generation document. I just didn't have room, and I figured we could handle it at the table. But an interesting thing happened that I hadn't anticipated. No one brought it up (with the exception of one player who said, "I want to be a black guy.") Now, this is a group that has a strong love for wacky character races, and I always get flummoxed by the race thing. I like to offer a wide variety of options, but I really don't like trying to sit down and codify special abilities for 30 different races, and that comes from the experience of having done it.

Another thing was this character I made and played at GaryCon. Since it was based off of Necron 99 from the wonderful film Wizards, I had no idea what race it was, and it didn't really matter.

So all of this has led me to believe that perhaps the question isn't race-as-race vs. race-as-class. Maybe it just doesn't matter. Maybe we can just toss race out the window entirely, at least as a mechanical game thing. Sure, you can be a kobold if you want, but it's more about how you look than how you function in the game. I think maybe next time I play a game with my home group where we make new characters, I'll just ask everyone to describe the appearance of their character, or even better - bring a picture! My hope would be that we would get some interesting things that are outside the scope of the traditional D&D stuff, like Necron up there, or something like the group on the title page of the Cook/Marsh Expert rule book, or perhaps something like this guy:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

DCC Monk

I decided to make a monk for DCC. I love monks. I dislike clerics. I took the DCC cleric and mashed it up with the AD&D monk, one of the goals being to make a class that could reasonably replace the cleric entirely, and I think that's a possibility here. I believe I'm satisfied enough with it to introduce it as an option in my campaign. At a minimum, I'm tired of working on it, so I don't think I'll bother with it again until something comes up in actual play that would necessitate some sort of an adjustment. Check it out!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A More Horrible Pit Trap

I read The Monster of the Prophecy by Clark Ashton Smith the other night, and near the end it had this wonderful little bit:

They came to the final step of the stairway, where, in a vast vault, an abyss whose bottom was not discernible yawned in the center of the floor. On its edge there stood a fantastic sort of windlass on which was wound an immense coil of blackish rope.

The end of this rope was now tied about Alvor's ankles, and he was lowered head downward into the gulf by the inquisitors. The sides were not luminous like those of the stairway, and he could see nothing. But, as he descended into the gulf, the terrible discomfort of his position was increased by sensations of an ulterior origin. He felt that he was passing through a kind of hairy material with numberless filaments that clung to his head and body and limbs like minute tentacles, and whose contact gave rise to an immediate itching. The substance impeded him more and more, till at last he was held immovably suspended as in a net, and all the while the separate hairs seemed to be biting into his flesh with a million microscopic teeth, till the initial itching was followed by a burning and a deep convulsive throbbing more exquisitely painful than the flames of an auto da fe. The poet learned long afterward that the material into which he had been lowered was a subterranean organism, half vegetable, half animal, which grew from the side of the gulf, with long mobile feelers that were extremely poisonous to the touch. But at the time, not the least of the horrors he underwent was the uncertainty as to its precise nature.

After he had hung for quite a while in this agonizing web, and had become almost unconscious from the pain and the unnatural position, Alvor felt that he was being drawn upward. A thousand of the fine thread-like tentacles clung to him and his whole body was encircled with a mesh of insufferable pangs as he broke loose from them. He swooned with the intensity of this pain, and when he recovered, he was lying on the floor at the edge of the gulf, and one of the priests was prodding him with a many-pointed weapon.

Chew on that for a while!

S&W Appreciate!

If you want to appreciate S&W, do it with the best version of S&W ever (which sadly happens to be abandonware)!

Get it while it's hot! (or until someone yells at me)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Adventure Time RPG (again)

Remember last year when this guy put out this awesome piece of work?

I do.

I love the concept 1000000%, but I'm not a big 4E fan, and a tactical skirmish game seems like maybe not the best framework for Adventure Time, at least for my own tastes.

TOON seems like a much better choice for my own gaming, especially considering the fact that my daughter is 4, and if I tried to explain the intricacies of 4E to her without throwing 90% of it out the window, she would give me that look she gives me. If you are a nerd and have kids, and occasionally try to get them excited about your nerdy interests, you know the look I'm talking about. The one that's like, "Daddy, WTF is WRONG with you?"

Actually what I'm posting is nothing new. I already did it here. It's just that my daughter and her friend have been asking me to play lately, so I figured I'd work up a new character sheet, stick the "Adventure Time" logo on it, and put the "rules" on a separate page. It's only become Adventure Time because that's what the girls call it and they generally pick their characters from the show.

Anyways, here's the updated PDF. The original 4E version done by that dude is still a great resource to have, since it has a ton of setting info in it, ideas for weird powers, and lots of great art to extract from the PDF in case you want to make props or something like that. It wouldn't hurt a bit to have a copy of TOON by Steve Jackson Games around either, considering the many wonderful charts it contains.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I Made a Hex Paper!

I'm always trying to find a nice sheet of hex paper to draw on, and have always had trouble finding something close to what I wanted. So I decided to figure out how to do it myself, and came up with this:

16x10 Hex Sheet

Nothing fancy here. Just a single sheet with some numbered hexes on it. It doesn't look like much, but there are 160 hexes on it. One interesting thing per hex, and you'll get a lot of mileage out of it.

Hopefully someone besides myself finds it useful!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lulu-Ready DCC RPG Reference Sheets

DISCLAIMER: This file, while perfectly usable, is still considered to be in a "draft" state by me. It is very likely I will still make a few minor tweaks before I consider it to be "final". Unless you are 100% happy with this version, or don't mind going through the trouble of making two copies of this book, don't bother with it yet!

Okay, now that we have that out of the way...

LINK: Lulu-Ready 6x9 DCC RPG Reference Sheets Interior File (DRAFT)

Here is a draft of the reference sheets that is ready to be uploaded to lulu so you can order your own copies with nice glossy paper, which I have found to be quite durable.

I am calling this a draft, because I am still entertaining the idea of potentially adding in some of the content from the appendices, such as poisons, but I haven't come to a conclusion yet. I'm also agonizing over whether or not to go through the trouble of getting a bit of art to fill in the whitespace. Part of me would like to, but most of the time it seems like more trouble than it's worth.

If you find any issues with the PDF, please let me know. I offer it up with no warranty whatsoever.

To make your lulu book, create a lulu account, start a new "paperback book" project, and choose the following options:

  • Standard paper
  • U.S. Trade 6"x9"
  • Saddle-stitched
  • Black and white

Click for bigness
From there, hit "Save & Continue" and then upload the PDF for the interior pages, and click "Make print-ready file".

After that, it's time for you to make your own cover. If you like really shitty covers, you can use the Lulu Cover Wizard. Otherwise, I suggest using the Advanced One-Piece Cover Designer. Below are the cover file specs for this particular book.

One-piece cover requirements:
  • Your file must be a PDF, JPG, GIF, or PNG
  • Spine width: 0 Postscript points wide (0.000") (0 px)
  • Spine begins 441 Postscript points (6.13") (1838 px) from the left.
  • Total cover width: 882 X 666 Postscript points (12.25" X 9.25") (3675px X 2775px)
  • If using an image, its resolution should be set to 300dpi

As an example, here is one I worked up for the booklet I made for myself. I extracted the endcap images from the DCC rulebook PDF, pasted them together, and added the title and logo. Super easy! I'd love to see what kind of awesome covers other people come up with. Post a link or shoot me an email about yours if you make one.

Here's a real crappy and blurry photograph of it. I've been using mine for nearly a year, and it's held up quite well, so I think most would be happy getting a version like this. It's a nice step up from the home-made version.

Phone camera fail
P.S. - You can totally still just print this in digest size using adobe reader's booklet function. The only thing to be aware of is that the page count is higher, so taking it to a print shop afterwards and getting it trimmed is recommended. Otherwise you may be annoyed by how much the centermost pages stick out compared to the pages closer to the covers.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tekumel's Underworld and Demonland

       Scattered over Tekumel are innumerable half-buried, half-forgotten ruins. There are fragments dating back to the prehuman ages, when the Ssu and the Hlyss vied with one another for control; there are tunnels of melted rock and steel constructed during the days of man's first glory; there are jumbled heaps destroyed by the cataclysms which rent Tekumel when the planet was cast into outer dimensional darkness; there are catacombs and subterranean labyrinths dating from more recent empires, cities, temples, pyramids, and fortresses dedicated to the lost and unremembered gods of half a hundred kingdoms . Another factor is the custom of Ditlana, the ceremonial "renewing" of many cities every 500 years: cellars and foundations of an old city are filled in and roofed over, upper floors are razed, and then new and more splendid edifices are built upon this foundation. Such earlier buried habitations are now full of burrows and tunnels built by humans, half-humans, nonhumans, and the many parasites and predators of Tekumel who subsist upon man's leavings. Many earlier temples to the Gods of Tekumel - particularly those allied with "evil" - are still maintained in the Underworlds beneath the sprawling modern cities, and it is in these that many of the rich treasures of the ancients are preserved.
       Within the city precincts of Jakalla itself there are entrances to the "Underworld," for this is "the City Half as Old as the World," Princess of the River, Mistress of Cities. Outside of Jakalla lies the City of the Dead, where the Kings of the Bednallja Dynasty sleep the long black sleep secure in their mighty pyramids, guarded with care by the creations of the secret Priesthood of Ksarul. Treasures are to be found beneath these crumbling monuments, men say, and also a variety of hideous deaths at the hands of these undying guardians. "Sweet is the harbour, but Death is the ferryman," as the old Tsolyani proverb has it . . .
       There are many ruined cities, thus, throughout the lands of Tekumel. Taking just the terrain map showing Tsolyanu itself, there are the following to be explored:
·         Hex 2713: the Fortress of Hrugga, Mighty Warrior of the Gods
·         Hex 2813: the City of Ngala, where deadly Hrihayal waits for her demon lover
·         Hex 2831: the timeworn ruins of grim Ssuganar, first capital of the dreaded Ssu
·         Hex 2106: the half-submerged city of Engsvan hla Ganga, City of Wizards and Capital of the Golden Age
·         Hex 3607: the curious city of Hnakyal, where dwells He Who Has No Tail, the subject of many ancient and terrible legends
·         Hex 3503: the First Temple of Vimuhla, the Fire-God of the Ancients
·         Hex 4113: the Temple of hideous Sarku, Lord of Worms
·         Hex 5532: the City Beneath the Lake, capital of the extinct Webbed Ones
·         Hex 3530: the haunted capital of the Hlaka Kings, where no now Hlaka dares enter
·         Hex 6029: the walled ruins of the Mad City of Du'un.
       Aside from these, many inhabited cities of the human empires are underlaid with labyrinths as well: below the city of Fasiltum, City of the Chiming Skulls ; beneath corrupt and secret Purdimal, lost in its half-human rituals of evil; and beneath mighty Bey Sy herself, capital of the Empire of Tsolyanu, even though she was built only some 2,000 years past . Other lands have their comparable subterranean mazes and treasure troves, and there are many smaller caches and ruins here and there across the lands of Tekumel . It will be up to individual referees to develop these and introduce them to their players as opportunity arises .

I love this illustration, although I think Kent may have ruined it forever.

That's just about the most evocative half-page ever. I think I'll take this and madlib all the proper names I'm not too fond of, and use it otherwise word-for-word. "For what?" you might ask... Well, I've been spending the past few days pondering turning that Demonlord map into a little sandbox. I'll set it on the same planet as Outland, and probably still run it using DCC, but make a few tweaks to some things. I've likewise erased all the place names from the Demonlord map, so I can pop in some names I like better. I'm thinking an Eddison's Mercury meets Zothique meets Tekumel sort of thing. I'll call it Demonland, since centuries of war between men and demons over control of the land will be the underlying theme (and the cause for all those ruins to explore). For classes, I think I want to try to keep it to just Warrior/Wizard(Sorcerer?)/Thief and perhaps have Tieflings/Half-Demons as mostly-just-reskinned elves. Although I think I want to take the Eddison route of having most of the demon types cosmetically identical to men. This is weird for me, because I've never really gone the all-human route, and in fact I've always made fun of people who do that in their games. But as they say, "Don't knock it until you try it." I'm curious to see how my home group responds to this little experiment. Here is what I anticipate:

ME: "So everyone is humans, or you can be a half-demon but you still look like a human."
ONE OF THEM: "Can I be a xorn?"
ME: "..."
ME: "Aw sure, fuck it, why not."

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oh DCC, You So Crazy!

So guess who wins in this fight:

Side A:
Cleric, 6th level
Warrior, 4th level
Halfling, 1st level


Side B:
A Motherfucking Pathfinder BEBILITH*

I put this monster in a dead-end in the dungeon, sort of like an optional thing that would likely take one or two guys out, become some sort of challenge to get the bodies out so they could hopefully be revived in time, and teach the players a lesson about attacking everything they find. Sure, I knew that if they really put their minds to it, they could defeat this guy, but I honestly didn't expect them to go through the trouble. Little did I know that the cleric would cast bless right before the room this monster lives in so they could have an easier time getting across the 15' chasm they had to cross, and get a high spell check that resulted in everyone getting a +9 to all their rolls for one turn. They knew that something horrible was in there since the door was basically in shreds already, but they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, so they rushed right in and threw something (a rock I think) down the sinkhole into the abyssal cavern below where the thing lives. Up it comes, and the cleric readies his "Bolt from the Blue" (or whatever it's called) spell. He gets some crazy-ass roll and lights the fucker up with 6d12 damage right off the bat. The warrior gets a minor shot in, and the 1st-level halfling, not feeling very sure of himself, tosses a grub that he had found earlier and carefully collected in a flask (a rot grub, but the players didn't know). I secretly rolled a d4 to see how long it would take the rot grub to penetrate the monster and start jacking it up - 2 rounds. Then the bebilith gets its turn, and hits with all 3 attacks on the halfling. Just the damage from the bite was enough to take him down, plus he's afflicted with a terrible bebilith rot. New round, players win initiative. Cleric uses his big action die for another Bolt from the Blue, figuring the +9 will be good enough to allow him to safely use his smaller d14 action die for healing the halfling and preventing death in the one-round grace period the DCC rules offer a 1st-level PC. He makes another crazy roll and scores another 6d12 damage on the monster, causing a (what should be very easy) morale check. The monster fails the morale check and begins to retreat down into its hole. I give the two standing party members free parting shots, both of which amazingly hit the AC 22 beast. It has 2 hp at this point. The cleric heals up the halfling, and follows that up with neutralize disease/poison to get rid of the rot. Guess what happens next. The rot grub finds its mark, and the rest is history.

Un-fucking-believable! This monster is supposed to challenge four 10th-level Pathfinder PCs, and these three DCC scrubs kicked the shit out of it. It could have ended very differently of course, with the ground being covered with tears and broken sets of magical armor, but it didn't. It was awesome.

*I ran the monster with only two minor changes - I capped the attack bonus at +10, and treated its DR10/Good as DR10/Magic, since there are no good-aligned weapons in my game. It didn't matter anyways, since every attack it actually made landed, but I figured full disclosure was in order.

GaryCon V

So I just got done spending my Thursday, Friday, and Saturday up at GaryCon V. It just keeps getting better and better, but this year the hotel was busting at the seams with nerds, so my fear is that they will move it somewhere else. Sure, that somewhere else could end up being better, but I really like the venue they've been having it at, and I don't deal well with change. Anyhow, I digress.

So this was my third year there, and it was really cool to see so many people who I pretty much only know through the con. This was also the first year I bothered to register for any events beforehand, so I got to get into some really neat games. Here's the rundown:

On Thursday, I played Lost City of the Elders with Rob Kuntz. I could write volumes about this game alone. It was a really interesting and creative adventure. If you enjoy exploring a very unique setting, performing lots of tests to figure out how everyday things we take for granted work differently (such as gravity and time), while taking in the scenery and avoiding things that will annihilate you in the blink of an eye, you would love Rob's game. On top of it all, he has a pretty good sense of humor and is fun to be around. I can say with certainty that his game is not for everyone, but I enjoyed it very much. We all had a good laugh when everyone got teleported to this giant flaming black-hole-thing in a fiery-hot cavern, likely in space or something, and Rob said, "I hope you brought your asbestos suits!" What makes this funny is that I was playing this character, which had been pre-approved by Rob a few days beforehand. Apparently he just skimmed over it and didn't realize that I had asbestos armor and a blaster rifle.

On Friday I had two games, the first of which was Return to Ram's Horn Castle with Mike Mornard. I'll be perfectly honest, in the first five minutes I thought Mr. Mornard was sort of a dick. There are any number of feasible explanations for this first impression, but it's all academic, because once we hunkered down and got to playing, all that melted away and we had an awesome time. This was an old-fashioned dungeon crawl in stark contrast to the previous game I had played in. We rolled up characters 3d6 in order, 3d6 x 10 gold pieces, bought equipment and set out. No character sheets. Everyone just used little scratch pads or whatever was available - borrowing pencils from each other, passing around the single copy of Men & Magic I had brought with... it was glorious. I had never played in an OD&D game that hewed so closely to the rules as written. As far as I could tell, the only house rule that was in use was crits and fumbles. He even rolled wandering monsters on those shitty OD&D charts! Afterwards, Mike allowed me to take a photo of his dungeon map, which was originally drawn in the early to mid-seventies. I wish I could post it, but he asked that I not post it on the web, so I will honor his wishes. The only thing I will say is that there is a series of corridors that spells out the word "BARF". Sorry, but that's fucking awesome. It was amazing to me at this point that I was able to play in two games so starkly different, yet both very enjoyable. On the following night, I got the opportunity to buy Mike a beer and bullshit with him and another gentlemen for about an hour. I really love hearing stories, and no one can tell a story quite like a long-time gamer.

My Friday late game was Jakallan Underworld (EPT) with Victor Raymond. This was my first chance ever getting to play EPT, and it didn't disappoint. I guess there was a bit of a kerfuffle about our assigned table not being available, but we ended up at a different table in a quieter room, so I consider it a win. We started out naked and imprisoned by some weird death cult (there's a fancy Tekumel name for them, but I don't recall). One guy had an intelligent demon-sword that was able to make itself invisible, so at least we had that. Anyways, figuring how to get out of the place was really challenging, and I was still naked by the time the adventure was over. I "won" a copy of Professor Barker's Man of Gold, and I am very excited to read it. Honestly, I think one of the other players was just as deserving if not more so, so I think I'll mail it to him once I've read it. The game did get rather crazy, and many of us were spread out all over the place. I really did have that sinking feeling of "Oh shit we're totally fucked!" throughout the game, so Mr. Raymond gets big points for conveying the atmosphere. Afterwards, Victor shared stories with us about his many years of gaming. He is a very interesting fellow and has a lot to talk about, so if you are ever able to catch him at a con, I highly recommend signing up for one of his games.

My Saturday kicked off with a short seminar about Castle Greyhawk that was run by Paul Stormberg, Jeff Talanian, and Allan Grohe. This was a new thing they did this year at the con, and I hope to see more of these panels in the future. It was really interesting, even for someone like myself who isn't much of a Greyhawk nerd. My favorite thing about it was of course the many and varied stories that were shared about play in Greyhawk, anecdotes about Gary, and that sort of stuff.

My last scheduled game was to be DCC with Michael Curtis, but due to an unfortunate series of events, he was not able to run the game. As a consolation prize, we played some off-the-cuff DCC with Doug Kovacs, the DCC cover artist. This turned out to be a bat-shit crazy murderhobo game set in the streets of Punjar, where our objective was simply to commit a crime so that we could eat. The game featured a Dave Mustaine bartender, a Christopher Walken necromancer, a pick pockets roll that resulted in the acquisition and later consumption of illicit drugs, the attempted burglarization of a brothel, and an unprovoked backstabbing of a grossly overweight john that was in the midst of being serviced. This was a junior high D&D game on acid. I can take the lion's share of credit/blame for it turning out that way, but I do hope the other players had fun. I certainly did, but I could see certain straight-laced gamer types perhaps being a bit weirded out by the whole thing. It all ended in a betrayal by one of the PCs, followed shortly thereafter by a glorious battle in the upstairs hallway of the brothel, with the end result being a well-deserved TPK. It was sort of poetic.

Hi, I'm Dave Mustaine. Can I get you a beverage?

Finally, I played my last game, which was an event called The Tower of Gygax, where you are put in a dungeon for being a criminal of some sort and have to find your way out to gain your freedom, or die horribly while trying. There was a handful of young boys playing in this game - perhaps 10-13 or somewhere thereabouts - and they were doing shots of 5-hour energy and doing the math like, "I got 20 hours of energy!" There was definitely more profanity in this hour-long game than I had otherwise heard all weekend, so it was pretty hilarious. There was a dad there with his younger son (maybe 8?) as well, and I was amazed that he kept his wits about him throughout the whole thing. The place was full of guess-what-I'm-thinking challenges and Tomb of Horrors-style gotcha traps, but was enjoyable nonetheless. I ended up dying by going blindly into a portal because I didn't want to take a leap of faith into some cleric/paladin fire thingy, and that was the solution the room's key called for. Whatevs!

I could go on and on about the event, the fascinating (sometimes fascinatingly weird) people, the hilarious shit that happens, but it's getting late and I must get to bed. So here, have a few pictures at least.

GaryCon V Photo Album

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Outland Map Update

Outland Campaign Map

I redrew my Outland map today. 5 miles to the hex as God and Gary intended. Just needs a bit of tweaking and some color. You know, from time to time, inaccuracies are discovered in maps, and it's the DM's prerogative to "correct" them. :) Actually, I've just been wanting to practice making some hand-drawn hex maps that look somewhat better than that which a preschooler might create. I think I'm starting to find my way.

It's pretty amazing to me how much adventure I've gotten out of this area that is so tiny compared to a lot of those super-gigantic campaign maps you see from time to time. I've been running adventures here for a year or two, and there is still plenty of stuff to explore and plunder.

Here are some of the highlights:

0107: White Plume Mountain. I ran this under DCC last year for Free RPG Day. Only the east branch was explored, so I integrated it into Outland with the east branch stripped of its loot. The game store group spent a session in there and made it out with a few nice things. One of the party's wizards is currently wielding the unholy artifact Ebontide, the trident of Dagon.

0309: Castle Blackmeyer. Some crazy dude named Stephen Blackmeyer used to own this lovely place in some long-forgotten age. This of course is a nod to Blackmoor, and was set to potentially be the central "tent pole" megadungeon of the setting, but it hasn't been visited in a long time, and is currently languishing in the form of three sparsely keyed levels.

0407: Blackmire Village. Once populated with Carcosa-style brown men, the village has since been completely overrun by beast-men.

0602: Dungheath (not shown). The secondary crapsack starting location. Brilliant name courtesy of +Evan Elkins.

0605: The Mud Hills. Some adventure was had here in the form of Geoffrey McKinney's Fungoid Gardens of the Bone Sorcerer.

0702: Tower of the Stargazer (not shown). TPK happened here. It was awesome.

0708: Chaotic Caves. My reworking of B2's Caves of Chaos.

0805: Tegel Manor lies on the outer edge of the forest. Many fun excursions into this place. Still nowhere even remotely close to being cleared.

0807: The Outpost. Sort of like the keep from B2, only made of wood and way crappier and dirtier. This is where it all started. In the beginning, it was just this and the Chaotic Caves.

0906: That sinkhole you see there is for Raid on Black Goat Wood by Shane Mangus. A sweet little adventure that we had a great time with.

0907: Durza's Castle. This castle was won by a player via the Deck of Fickle Fortune. We rolled randomly to see what hex it would be in, and strangely enough it came up adjacent to the outpost. The last several sessions at the game store have been spent clearing out the three-level (~60 rooms) dungeon beneath, and now all the brown man refugees from Blackmire Village have come seeking the aid of Baron-Mage Durza, thanks to a failed carousing save.

1007: This area hasn't been explored yet, but there has been some gossip in the multiversal rumor mill that The Last Dragon of Dundagel has been spotted in the area.

1302: This is a new city that I just decided to add today. All I can say is that I have GURPS Goblins on it's way to me, so that might have some influence on what this city becomes.

1308: I figured Outland could use a terrible desert with a wicked space pyramid in it, so I tossed that in as well. This will probably be a high-level thing.

So anyways, the moral of the story is this: I started with just two hexes - one with the starting "village" (the outpost), and an adjacent one with a series of small dungeons. Once I had those things we started playing and things sort of took on a life of their own. I'm always adding stuff little by little, but between the deck of many things and Jeff's carousing tables, the campaign(s) have more or less written themselves. That, my friends, is an awesome thing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Demonlord Hex Map

So I think Jamesnardia talked about this a long-ass time ago, but I was doing some searching looking for some cool hex maps that belong to other games. The Outdoor Survival map is sort of bland. The Divine Right map is really fantastic, but the hexes go the wrong way and they aren't numbered. I stumbled across this old post, which pointed me to this page of old war games that you can download for free. There are a couple of nice hex maps in there. The Barbarian Prince one is very good, but I think the DEMONLORD one is my favorite, mainly because someone took the time to clean it up so nicely. It prints out beautifully on portrait-oriented 11x17 paper. I printed up two copies and will be keeping them in my back pocket for a bit. If I can manage to find a way to shoehorn already-explored Outland locations into a suitable spot, I may even decide to use it as my new campaign map. Only a few hexes have been traversed in Outland, so it is likely within the realm of possibility. I also sent a copy to a buddy who is decent with photoshop to see if he would be able to remove the place names to allow for further customization. Anyways, I thought it was neat and worth sharing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bad File Links

I've had this crappy little godaddy website for years, and I've used it to host a number of the files that I link to from this blog. The domain name renewal came up, and I think I'm just going to let it lapse and use google docs or whatever. However, I can't really be arsed to go back and find all that stuff, so if you come across something with a bad link, just let me know about it and I'll be happy to correct it.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mighty Deeds™ for Everyone!

I've found DCC's “mighty deeds” mechanic to be a very satisfying way to adjudicate called shots and the like. My only problem with it as written is that it's limited to warriors and dwarves. If someone else wants to attempt a called shot (and they always do, eventually!), you are pretty much put in a position where you have to say “no” (this is a bad thing), or you have to invent a whole new way to deal with it for these other character types. Instead, I propose to replace everyone's flat attack bonuses with (nearly) equivalent attack dice. This way everyone can perform crazy stunts – or at least try to. Note that warriors and dwarves are still the only classes that get to add their deed die rolls to damage. Everyone else applies it only to the to-hit roll. I've also excluded the use of the d5 and the d7 out of a simple personal distaste for those dice being used in anything that is rolled so often as an attack roll.


Warriors & Dwarves
Clerics & Thieves

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wandering Monsters for Bestiary 1

PDF version available HERE

I've been using the Pathfinder Bestiary in my DCC games lately. I'm pretty comfortable with the PF stat blocks, and tweaking on the fly, so it works well for me. I made some wandering monster tables for it, and decided to post them for grins. The number encountered is in brackets, and it should be readily apparent that the page number is in parentheses

If you want to get really fancy, you can use the following method for the dungeon tables:
Roll a d6 along with the d12. If the d6 comes up 1 or 6, look the monster up one table lower or higher, respectively.

Dungeon Level 1-3
1. Monitor Lizards [1-4] (p.194)
2. Giant Centipedes [3-6] (p.43)
3. Fire Beetles [7-12] (p.33)
4. Ghouls [2-5] (p.146)
5. Vargouille [1] (p.272)
6. Skeletal Champion [1] (p.252)
7. Cloaker [1] (p.47)
8. Darkmantle [1-6] (p.55)
9. Wight [1-2] (p.276)
10. Bat Swarm [1] (p.30)
11. Dretches [1-2] (p.60)
12. Goblin Dogs [1-8] (p.157)

Dungeon Level 4-6
1. Gibbering Mouther [1] (p.153)
2. Centipede Swarm [1-2] (p.43)
3. Ghost [1] (p.144)
4. Yeth Hounds [2-7] (p.286)
5. Troll [1] (p.268)
6. Greater Barghest [1] (p.27)
7. Vampire [1] (p.270)
8. Chokers [1-8] (p.45)
9. Black Pudding [1] (p.35)
10. Gorgon [1] (p.165)
11. Gray Ooze [1] (p.166)
12. Rust Monsters [2-5] (p.238)

Dungeon Level 7-9
1. Girallons [5-8] (p.154)
2. Iron Golem [1] (p.162)
3. Half-Fiend Minotaurs [3-6] (p.171)
4. Hell Hounds [3-12] or Nessian Hell Hound [1] (p.173)
5. Intellect Devourers [1-6] (p.180)
6. Kytons [3-6] (p.185)
7. Driders [1-6] (p.113)
8. Elder Earth Elemental [1] (p.123)
9. Bebilith [1] (p.32)
10. Rakshasa [1] (p.231)
11. Shadow Demons [1-2] (p.67)
12. Night Hag [1] (p.215)

Dungeon Level 10+
1. Neothelid [1] (p.214)
2. Xill [2-12] (p.283)
3. Horned Devil [1] (p.76)
4. Devourer [1] (p.82)
5. Tarrasque [1] (p.262)
6. Purple Worm [1] (p. 230)
7. Nalfeshnee [1] (p.65)
8. Greater Shadows [3-6] (p.245)
9. Medusa [1] (p.201)
10. Shoggoth [1] (p.249)
11. Elder Fire Elemental [1-3] (p.125)
12. Astral Deva [1] (p.10)

1. Giant Ants [1-10] (p.16)
2. Giant Wasps [3-6] or Wasp Swarm [1] (p.275)
3. Ankhegs [1-4] (p.15)
4. Bugbears [1-10] (p.38)
5. Cheetahs [1-4] (p.40)
6. Chimera [1] (p.44)
7. Cockatrice [1-12] (p.48)
8. Cyclops [1-6] (p.52)
9. Triceratops [1] (p.86)
10. Gnolls [1-20] (p.155)
11. Aurochs [3-30] (p.174)
12. Manticore [1] (p.199)

1. Bulette [1] (p.39)
2. Giant Ants [2-20] (p.16)
3. Giant Stag Beetle [1-6] (p.33)
4. Chimera [1] (p.44)
5. Wyvern [1-2] (p.282)
6. Ettin [1-2] (p.130)
7. Griffons [1-10] (p.168)
8. Hill Giants [2-5] (p.150)
9. Ogres [1-4] (p.220)
10. Phase Spiders [3-6] (p.226)
11. Dust Mephits [3-6] (p.202)
12. Bandits [2-20] (p.264)

1. Wolves [1-12] or Dire Wolves [3-8] (p.278)
2. Treant [1] (p.266)
3. Unicorn [1] (p.269)
4. Grizzly Bears [1-2] (p.31)
5. Boars (1:6 chance Dire) [1-8] (p.36)
6. Centaurs [3-10] (p.42)
7. Dryad [1] (p.116)
8. Ettercaps [3-8] (p.129)
9. Owlbears [1-6] (p.224)
10. Pseudodragon [1] (p.229)
11. Satyrs [3-6] (p.241)
12. Elves [3-30] (p.114)

1. Stone Giants [1-8] (p.151)
2. Tengu [3-12] (p.263)
3. Stone Golem [1] (p.163)
4. Duergar [3-30] (p.117)
5. Huge Air Elemental [1-2] (p.120)
6. Shadow Demons [1-3] (p.67)
7. Rocs [1-2] (p.236)
8. Salamanders [2-5] (p.240)
9. Medium Earth Elementals [2-7] (p.122)
10. Wyverns [1-3] (p.282)
11. Crag Linnorm [1] (p.190)
12. Red Dragon (d6: 1-3=young, 4-5=adult, 6=ancient) [1] (p.98-99)

1. Constrictor Snakes [1-6] (p.255)
2. Giant or Poisonous Frogs [3-12] (p.135)
3. Will-O-Wisps [1-4] (p.277)
4. Boggards [1-12] (p.37)
5. Shocker Lizards [1-12] (p.248)
6. Basilisk [1-2] (p.29)
7. Chuul [1-4] (p.46)
8. Crocodiles (2:6 chance Dire) [1-6] (p.51)
9. Dracolisks [1-2] (p.170)
10. Green Hags [3] (p.167)
11. Harpies [3-12] (p.172)
12. Froghemoth [1] (p.136)

1. Giant Flytrap [1-2] (p.134)
2. Gorillas (3:6 chance Dire) [1-12] (p.17)
3. Army Ant Swarm [1] (p.16)
4. Boars (4:6 chance Dire) [1-8] (p.36)
5. Dire Lions [3-8] (p.193)
6. Tyrannosaurus [1] (p.86)
7. Giant Mantis [1-10] (p.200)
8. Giant Frilled Lizards [1-8] (p.194)
9. Vegepygmies [3-30 plus chieftain] (p.273)
10. Assassin Vines [3-6] (p.22)
11. Zombies [2-20] (p.288)
12. Spider Swarms [2-5] (p.258)

1. Winter Wolves [6-11] (p.280)
2. Yeti [1-8] (p.287)
3. Dire Wolverines [1-2] (p.279)
4. Frost Giants [2-5] (p.149)
5. Ice Golems [1-4] (p.161)
6. Ice Linnorm [1] (p.191)
7. Remorhaz [1] (p.233)
8. Ice Devil [1] (p.77)
9. Ice Elves [2-200] (p.114)
10. Dire Polar Bears [1-4] (p.31)
11. Ice Mephits [3-6] (p.202)
12. White Dragon (d6: 1-3=young, 4-5=adult, 6=ancient) [1] (p.100-101)

1. Behir [1-2] (p.34)
2. Bebilith [1] (p.32)
3. Couatl [1-2] (p.49)
4. Lamias [1-8] (p.186)
5. Efreeti [1] (p.140)
6. Vrocks [1-6] (p.69)
7. Bone Devil [1] (p.74)
8. Giant Scorpions [1-10] (p.242)
9. Sphinx [1] (p.257)
10. Sand Worm [1] (p.230)
11. Phoenix [1] (p.227)
12. Blue Dragon (d6: 1-3=young, 4-5=adult, 6=ancient) [1] (p.94-95)

1. Giant Slug [1] (p.254)
2. Violet Fungus [3-12] (p.274)
3. Xorn [1-6] (p.284)
4. Yellow Musk Creeper + 1-6 Yellow Musk Zombies (p.285)
5. Troglodytes [3-30] (p.267)
6. Basidironds [1-12] (p.28)
7. Aboleths [1-6] (p.8)
8. Cave Fishers [1-6] (p.41)
9. Derro [3-30] (p.70)
10. Mites [2-200] (p.207)
11. Ropers [1-6] (p.237)
12. Shoggoth [1] (p.249)

Some day I'd like to make versions for the Bestiaries 2 and 3 as well, but even if I do, I'm probably not going to do those links again, because man that was a pain in the buns!